Prefire Plan Drafting
Prefire Planning and Emergency Preincident Plans
For companies and agencies looking to enhance their prefire and emergency planning, KD Rescue specializes in creating comprehensive, digital preincident plans. Whether it's preplanning for high-risk structures like industrial HAZMAT facilities, midrise and high-rise buildings, or areas with high rescue probability, we’ve got you covered. With over 20 years of expertise in computer-aided design (CAD) and drafting, we can digitally create custom plans tailored to your specific needs.
Digital Prefire Plans with Fast Turnaround
Partnering with Creative Labs LLC, we produce some of the nation's leading digital prefire plans. Our services range from converting your existing 3-ring binder plans into digital PDFs to creating detailed schematics, with fast turnaround times depending on complexity.
Services and Programs for Enhanced Safety
In addition to prefire plan development, we offer train-the-trainer programs for CAD, plan creation, and custom structure drawing contracts. We can even design custom user icons to meet the unique hazards and requirements of your facility. Improve your ISO rating, increase responder safety, and stay ahead of emergencies with KD Rescue’s expert prefire planning consultation, training, and CAD services. Contact us today to elevate your organization’s safety protocols.